The Institute for Housing Studies (IHS) is a research center based at DePaul University that provides analysis and data to inform affordable housing policy and practice. Read more »
The Illinois Community Land Trust Task Force met throughout 2024 to determine ways the State could support CLTs in Illinois. The Task Force's final report, assembled by IHS, is available to read here.
IHS and the Preservation Compact recently collaborated on a project to inform the development of local and national policies supporting the preservation of unsubsidized, lower-cost rental housing.
This update of the Institute for Housing Studies (IHS) Cook County House Price Index highlights changing prices for single-family homes through the second quarter of 2024. Data are included for 17 City of Chicago submarkets and 18 submarkets primarily in suburban Cook County.
IHS and DePaul Professor Dr. Amanda Kass explored outcomes of single-family homes purchased by three large corporate landlords in the Chicago region in 2013.
IHS is excited to announce that our research on the disappearance of 2 to 4 unit buildings in Chicago was published in the Spring 2024 issue of Cityscape!
This update of the Institute for Housing Studies (IHS) Cook County House Price Index reflects new 2020 submarket geographies, and highlights changing prices for single-family homes through the fourth quarter of 2023. Data are included for 17 City of Chicago submarkets and 18 submarkets primarily in suburban Cook County.
IHS recently updated its Housing Market Indicators data portal to include new data on neighborhood demographic and economic characteristics. These data will provide portal users with additional context to understand factors that may affect housing market activity in their communities.
As part of a recent collaborative project to understand the implications of vacant land near transit, IHS developed an in-depth analysis of City- and privately-owned vacant land near CTA train stations across Chicago. This report highlights data and analysis developed as part of this work.
IHS recently updated our Mapping Stories of Neighborhood Change mapping tool to include neighborhood news stories published in 2023 through 2024 mapped alongside our Mapping Displacement Pressure data. The mapping tool provides users with spatial, housing market, and demographic context to assess the potential implications of the activities described in each article.
This data brief examines the role that transfer on death Instruments play in facilitating the transfer of real estate to heirs and provides data on the patterns of TODIs filed on homes with an active senior exemption in neighborhoods across Cook County.
This update of the Institute for Housing Studies (IHS) Cook County House Price Index highlights changing prices for single-family homes through the second quarter of 2023 in 16 City of Chicago submarkets and 17 submarkets primarily in suburban Cook County.
This release of the State of Rental Housing in the City of Chicago updates key data on changing rental demand, the supply of rental housing, and how these dynamics affect access to affordable rental housing for Chicago's lowest income households.
IHS research has indicated that the city's housing affordability crisis has some unique characteristics which shed light on why residents are struggling to find affordable rental housing, buy homes, and maintain their current residences.
This research brief discusses some of the key issues that emerged from these discussions and includes new data analysis highlighting the characteristics and spatial patterns of properties owned by older adults in Chicago.
This blog reviews several programs in Chicago that showcase growing efforts to create a supply of affordable, for-sale housing in neighborhoods that have struggled for decades with disinvestment-related challenges.
This analysis documents the importance that 2 to 4 unit buildings play in homebuying for Chicago’s borrowers and neighborhoods of color and helps connect policy priorities around preserving 2 to 4s with those that advance homeownership and wealth-building for moderate- and middle-income Black and Latino households.
This blog contextualizes recent research and reporting on property tax disparities in Chicago with IHS research on neighborhood house price changes and discusses how policy interventions designed to mitigate increased tax burdens have challenges of their own.
This blog updates data on house price trends in City of Chicago neighborhoods based on the neighborhood’s race and ethnic composition and focuses on how COVID-19 pandemic period price gains have impacted house prices in Chicago's communities of color.
This blog discusses highlights from IHS's May 2022 convening of a diverse group of participants including affordable-housing advocates, the aging-in-place community, housing developers, community groups, government agencies and others to discuss the implications of IHS's recent report Housing Needs and Economic Conditions of Cook County’s Older Adults.
Search for, view, and download indicators of housing market health in the Chicago region, including foreclosure auctions & filing activity, mortgage activity, and property sales activity.