Articles tagged 'Rental Housing'

April 27, 2017

Goodbye two-flats, goodbye affordability

SOURCE: Chicago Magazine
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April 14, 2017

Shopping for a home? New data show it's slim pickings

SOURCE: Chicago Tribune
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March 22, 2017

Eviction filings in Chicago appear to be on the decline

SOURCE: Chicago Reader
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January 31, 2017

Can the Housing Market Accommodate an Aging America?

Every day 10,000 Americans celebrate their 65th birthdays. That has been the case since 2011 and will be the case until 2030, according to Pew Research Center. At that point, nearly one in five Americans will be 65 or older.How will the housing market respond as these Baby Boomers enter old age en...

February 8, 2016

Renters by Choice

More and more Americans are opting out of homeownership.Renting is on the rise. As American homeownership rates have fallen in recent years, rental demand has leapt.  Between the second quarters of 2014 and 2015, for example, the number of owner-occupied households dropped by 400,000, according to The Wall Street Journal, hitting a 48-year low; in the same period, the...

Reports   November 9, 2014

Understanding neighborhood multifamily lending trends in the wake of the housing crisis

In light of the continued acute need for affordable rental housing in Cook County, the latest report from IHS examines a key challenge to maintaining and increasing the supply of affordable rental units: access to credit for multifamily properties in the county's lower-income communities. This report builds on the findings from the 2013 State of Rental Housing in Cook County using mortgage data released in October of 2014.

Indicators and Data Tools   June 6, 2014

The composition of Cook County's housing market

The map tool allows users to scan and zoom a map of Cook County and examine housing composition in suburban Cook County, Chicago community areas, and even block by block throughout the county.

December 20, 2013

Finding Affordable Housing in Chicago Lawn: One Renter's Story

One of the goals of the Institute for Housing Studies at DePaul University is to work with the staff, faculty, and students at DePaul in order to foster cross-disciplinary learning about community development as it pertains to affordable housing and, in doing so, to further the missions of both the...

Reports   October 9, 2013

Overview of the Chicago housing market

Written to inform the development of the City's 2014-2018 Five Year Housing Plan, the Overview of the Chicago Housing Market contains a comprehensive set of maps, charts, and tables meant to both provide background data for the city's housing plan and a comprehensive view of neighborhood housing markets. This book was used to facilitate advisory group discussions of the housing market needs of Chicago’s neighborhoods and to craft the new Five-Year Housing Plan that will guide the City’s policy and investment related to housing from 2014 to 2018.

May 20, 2013

Single Family Rental Homes and Rental Housing Affordability in Cook County

Among the key findings from IHS’s recently released State of Rental Housing in Cook County report was that while the supply of rental units in Cook County increased between 2007 and 2011 to meet observed increases in rental demand, the gap between the supply of and the demand for rental housing affordable for lower-income...